Pin Transportation
From: “Beemus”
Subject: Re: Transporting a TZ?
If you do use cardboard beneath, keep in mind that the pin WILL slide
when you’re driving/stopping…take care to protect anything(pin
included) that you don’t want damaged or I’ve used bags of concrete to
keep it in one place.
Things I’ve seen, heard happen:
— Don’t forget your legs/bolts and backglass at the sellers…happens
all the time :).
— Don’t leave the key in the coin door, easy to break off if it hits
— You MAY want to mark your legs(inside) and install them as they came
off…saves time re-leveling the machine…not critical but a tip.
— Use 2×4 or dowel to load/unload so as not to scratch up the
hatch/gate trim of your jeep…the cardboard may also do.
Most of all…TAKE YOUR TIME and ask for an assistant if needed. I
thought moving my TZ would be more of a hassle since it is a
widebody…was actually rather easy and was the first unload I did by
myself….ask for help, if available, for first time.
And for when you get it home…
For hard surfaces (concrete/tile but not your hardwoods): Home Depot or
similar will have them…not sure the exact name but i call them
3-wheeled moving skates. Triangular shape with recessed top that holds
pin feet/legs nicely. 3 roller wheels below. you can dance with your
pin with these if you’re into it. :)
For carpet/hardwoods:
magic slider or similar (home depot around here(seattle) has them and
they’re called Move Alls 8 for $10. Plastic disc with rubber/foam top
that pin legs to sink into. Slides on carpet like nothing else…I have
a deeper shag so I left these under my pins to protect the carpet as
Lots of similar products out there but these are what I’ve used with
Good luck and enjoy