TAF magnet fuse & Rudy Ideas
From: “Mamushka”
Newsgroups: rec.games.pinball
Subject: TAF magnet fuse follow up and some Rudy ideas
I have loaded the pictures of the fuse holders installed on my TAF on
John Wart’s website.
http://usergallery.myhomegameroom.com/gallery/mamushka A few people
wanted me to post pictures of the fuse holders that I installed on my
To recap my last post:
My game is at my sisters house, transistor Q1 under the playfield
shorted out, causing the left magnet to stay on (no one noticed). I
went over to her house to do some routine repairs and found the dead
magnet (fuse blown) and no magnet burn. I replaced Q1 and the fuse and
all is good again. (The fuses were 3A s.b.)
And now for the Rudy ideas:
My Funhouse is also at my sister’s house and Rudy broke his
horizontal eye link. I fixed it using (more or less) the information
provided by Greg Menacho (just Google his name for the post). I started
thinking about what causes this link to break and I noticed that when
Rudy’s eyes open, the horizontal link is the “stop” that takes the
impact. This has to be bad for the link, so I added a small plate to
help absorb the shock. I also noticed that the link on his eyelids got
hammered when his eyes closed, so I added another plate with a little
foam to try and absorb the shock. Will it help, who knows, but it makes
me feel a little better. Pictures are on John Wart’s site also.
I also notices that Rudy’s eyeballs were getting a little worn (where
the metal links go through the holes) I filled the holes with epoxy and
redrilled them, no more slop (sorry no pictures).