Homemade Carpet Protectors
Since I’ve had a couple of Emails this week, asking about my carpet
protectors found here,
I thought I’d share the “manufacturing” process one more time for those
that may have missed it before.
3/4″ oak, or any type wood you’d like, 4″ hole saw, 1 1/4″ forstner bit
and a 1’4″ bullnose router bit w/ router.
Once the 4″ disk is cut out, drill a blind hole half way through the
disk with the forstner bit. This is for the leg leveler to sit in.
Router the edges, sand and finish to taste.
A big drill press works great for making these as the depth for the
blind holes can be set so that they all end up the same depth. It also
makes the cutting with the hole saw a piece o’ cake.
The drill press I use is hidden in the following pic of my buddy’s
cabinet shop.
Can you locate it in all that mess? :-)
Bryan (CARGPB14) http://usergallery.myhomegameroom.com/gallery/bspins