CLEANING TIP: The Gonzo Wonder Sponge (TM)
Subject: CLEANING TIP: The Gonzo Wonder Sponge (TM)
(No, this isn’t a joke. I picked up a few of these about a year back, forgot
where I bought them, and finally happened across them again today.)
I’ve found a really useful “thing” for cleaning black pinball dust from the
bottom of playfields and from wire harnesses: the Gonzo Wonder Sponge. The
“sponge” is made of a rubber-like compound that grabs and holds soot, dust,
dirt, etc. The sponge is used dry; when it is saturated with dust you can
wash it with soap and water, let dry, and re-use repeatedly.
The Wonder Sponge is made by the same folks who make Goo Gone. Our local Home
Depot stocks these by the tack rags; you can also buy them online at
Joseph “Tony” Dziedzic