You may have gotten to the point where you know one or two of your local operators. He lets you know that there are some games for Sale. There are a few good titles on there, and I’m sure that the op’s looked
at ebay and knows about what the going price is. That being said, I’ve found on a whole OPs are greedy and Cash is King.
My best plan of attack is to *know* what the going price of all the games are, know what the combined price would be. If you bring the cash, and tell the OP what you’ll pay for the condition the games are in, you may get a deal. For a list such as yours, I usually undercut by a few thousand.
The bargaining position for the OP
1) He owns the games
Your bargaining Position
1) You have CASH
2) The games are off route and dirty
3) You have CASH
4) You are buying a large amount so he doesn’t have to worry about ones or twosies
5) You have CASH
6) You are willing to walk away and leave him with the games to get rid of
and finally
7) You have CASH
I’ve also found, if you get a good enough deal, that it helps not to even worry about turning on the games. Just get them out of his sight before he gets sellers remorse