Big Time Cabinets Update
From: “Chris Munson”
Hello all:
Been a busy summer so far, with hot temps in Texas (near 100 degrees several days) and plenty of activity at BTC. As usual, we continue to produce cabinets for a number of customers, and have some exciting news to share beyond the current lineups. In no particular order:
1) NEW offerings – available immediately, we are now able to produce TZ, Whitewater, Funhouse, AFM, and EATPM cabinets. Folks, send us your artwork and get a discount on the cabs!
2) “OLD” offerings – We have been able to send a great deal of time recently on development of the greatly anticipated early Bally cabinets. In fact, we will have our first prototype “KISS” style cabinet complete this week! We should begin taking orders for these cabinets in August; please stay tuned for details. NOTE: KISS will NOT be the only variety offered, there will be other titles as well.
3) FUTURE offerings – Late “EBD/Fathom” style cabs will follow closely behind the early cabs. Again, stay tuned for details.
4) IMMEDIATE offerings – We currently have excess stock on two items, and would like to move these units:
a) White water cab – this cab is complete, boxed and ready to go, and is being sold as a “second”. Why? The start button hole is slightly above the factory location (this has been remedied), but this one slipped through. The decal is offset as a result, with the start button being towards the top of the decal circle. This cab is beautiful, and if you can overlook a minor misalignment, we will knock off the cost of shipping. Write/phone me for details.
b) Funhouse cab – nearing completion, this cab was developed as the first example with an enamel painting process (as opposed to the laquer we normally use). I will also sell this as a “second”, in that the front panel decal has a VERY slight crease in it (the decal itself was problematic), and the amount of overspay in the cabinet is a bit more than typical. Again, this will ship for free; write/phone for details.
5) WEBSITE – yes, the website still suffers from issues that need to be resolved. AS of today, we have secured assistance to clear up these issues and make the interface more user-friendly. IN PARTICULAR, we will be posting pics to the “NEWS” section once the site is fixed, so that you will be able to see what is actually going on as far as development is concerned. Stay tuned!
Thanks all for your continued support, the last half of this year will
indeed be remarkable as far as new products emerge. Looking forward to working with you folks, meeting our needs. I will be announcing more often as things begin to surface.
Chris Munson
Big Time Cabinets